Thursday, May 14, 2009

City woman now wearing pageant crown
By Stephanie O’ Connell Record-Journal staff MERIDEN —
Jessica Bruenn wears many hats: wife, mother of two young boys, black belt in karate, actress in community theater and el­ementary school teacher. Now the lifelong Meriden resident gets to wear a crown.

Bruenn was crowned Mrs. Con­necticut 2009 earlier this month at the Mrs. Con­necticut pageant at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford, Mass. Also crowned at the event were Mrs. Massachusetts, Mrs. New York, Mrs. New Hampshire and Mrs. Maine.“The Mrs. Connecticut pageantwas a great ex­perience,” Bruenn said. “I had somuch fun. I had done some pageants in high school and I want­ed to get back into it.”With a little push from her friends, Bruenn, 33, entered the pageant, which consisted of a pan­el interview, swimsuit and evening gown com­petition, and an on-stage question that Bruenn answered without hesitation.“They asked me what type of food best de­scribed me,” Bruenn said. “Of course, I said chocolate. It is sweet and reliable and always there for you when you need it. I think that it is me.”Those who know her don’t just think she is re­liable, they know.

As a mother to sons Clayton and Cohen and wife of the head football coach at Platt High School, Bruenn has managed to vol­unteer in the community— she’s focused on the fitness of youth by teaching karate classes at the Boys and Girls Club over the summer and or­ganizing a Healthy Habits club at Southington’s Strong School, where she is a fifth-grade teacher. “We are very proud of Mrs. Bruenn,” Strong Principal Linda Lackner said. “She has organized an entire fitness program here at school. We are always focusing on physical fitness and talking about dieting. She is so enthusiastic about everything she does.”Her Healthy Habits club teaches young chil­dren the importance of physical fitness and prop­er nutrition. Bruenn heeds her own advice, hit­ting the gym six times a week in the months be­fore the pageant.“Soon, one out of three children (nationwide) will be obese,” Bruenn said. “It causes so many health problems. If we can teach them when they are young, then we won’t see so many health problems. The pageant will really help me to get the word out.”

Along with her passion for fitness, Bruenn makes room for her love of the stage. She acts in community theater once a year, leaving room for Saturday morning high school football. This year she starred in the Castle Craig Players’ pro­duction of “Pinky at Sea” in February.In July, Bruenn will head to Las Vegas for the national Mrs. United States competition. Mrs. Connecticut 2008, Lynette Letsky Piombo, has fallen into the role of Bruenn’s pageant coach, helping her prepare for the national event and organize her appearances, the first of which will be May 21 at TPC River Highlands in Cromwell. “There is so much to prepare and go over,” Pi­ombo said. “She will be all over the state. Being crowned is like getting a part-time job that you have to juggle. Jessica is the perfect person for the job. She will take is seriously and have a great time doing it.”With everything that she does, Bruenn puts her family above all. Waking up at 5 a.m., shut­tling kids to and from baseball games and plan­ning family fun nights once a week take prece­dence over anything else on her schedule.

“Of course we are so proud of her,” her hus­band, Jason, said. “She works so hard at every­thing that she does and this is a result of that hard work. It is exciting to watch her on the stage and hearing her name called is the most exciting part.”Bruenn will wear the Mrs. Connecticut sash for a year before handing it off to her successor, who will have some pretty big shoes to fill— in this case pretty high heels.“Jessica is the perfect, perfect woman to wear this crown,” Piombo said. “She is so sweet and approachable and has a down-to-earth aura about her. Some women are in it just to collect the crowns. She is in it to represent the crown and the state.” (203)317-2235

Christopher Zajac /Record-Journal Jessica Bruenn runs on the playground behind Southington’s Strong School on Tues­day. Bruenn, of Meriden, is now Mrs. Connecticut 2009.
Jessica Bruenn, in front, leads a group of stu­dents in the Healthy Habits Club on a Tuesday morn­ing jog behind Strong School in Southington.Bruenn, a fifth­grade teacher, has been crowned Mrs.Connecticut 2009. Christopher Zajac / Record-Journal

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