Sunday, July 26, 2009


Out to have some fun singing and dancing!


The choreographer, Natilie Carson, was fantastic!

Mrs. United States 2008
Dr. Gariane Philips Gunter

The new winner...South Carolina

Mrs. United States 2009
Tammy Johns-Brown

First Runner up, Wyoming, with District of Columbia

Mrs. Rhode Island
and Mrs. Ohio

Kim getting ready for stage!

South Carolina
Tammy Johns - Brown

1st Runner Up
Janet McCulloh

2nd Runner Up
Lindsay Clark

3rd Runner Up
Kellie Lightbourn

4th Runner Up
Caitlin Corry

Top 12

California, Florida, Hawaii, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Preliminary Competition

Everyone put on a great show!

Mrs. California is a great person inside and out!

Mrs. Vermont, my roommate, and I pose for a picture.

The ladies are ready for opening number.


Interviews went great and very fast!

Bus Tour

Mrs. Ohio is a very sweet woman!

Getting on the bus for a night out!

One of many from Connecticut that I met in Vegas...small world!

We had a great time!

Swimsuit Photoshoot

We spent the morning by the pool.


Rehearsals were a lot of work but went smoothly thanks to a great choreographer.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Night Out

A few of us decided to go to the Palms. We received VIP treatment.

What breathtaking views!

Welcome Dinner

Dinner was a blast...full of fun, food, and laughter.

The three Jessicas!